Good Design for Better Learning Environments

Did you know that the NSW Government Architect has a Design Guide For Schools to help create the best learning environments in school facilities? As stated on their website, ‘Well-designed schools can improve learning outcomes, health and wellbeing. They can improve comfort for students and staff, reducing the impacts of both the urban heat-island effect and greenhouse gas emissions, at the same time improving how schools work now and over their whole life span’.

There are many student benefits in outdoor learning spaces – they are good for physical health, mental health, help create focus, plus they provide new interesting and innovative ways to learn, connect with the environment and get a greater understanding of sustainability.

Some of the key SEPP design quality principles for making schools a better learning environment are as below:

1. Support safe walking and cycling to and from school through connections to local bike and foot paths and the provision of bike parking and end of journey facilities. See

2. Ensure clear and logical wayfinding across the school site and between buildings for all users including after hours community users. See

3. Ensure accessibility for all users of the site. See

4. Prioritise pedestrians and avoid conflicts between vehicles and people. See

5. Schools should include efficient, stage and age appropriate indoor and outdoor learning and play spaces, access to sunlight, natural ventilation, outlook, visual and acoustic privacy. See

Area Safe Products Pty Ltd is a registered ‘GOLD CLIENT’ vendor with NSW EDConnect and our Vendor Number is 100301263